Learning Chinese

Source: Global Times Published: 2020/8/5 17:23:40

Chat attack

road rage / 路怒/ (lùnù)  

A: Have you noticed? During the summer, road rage incidents usually increase.

你发现了吗?一到夏天, 路怒的情况就增多了。

(nǐfāxiàn lema? yídàoxiàtiān, lùnùde qínɡkuànɡ jiùzēnɡduōle.)

B: So by your logic, when the temperatures are high, tempers also heat up?


(nǐde luójí shìshuō qìwēnɡāo, píqì yěɡēnzhe dàle?)

A: Every summer, there are always a lot of news reports about road rage. In my view, it's the same at home and abroad.


(měinián xiàtiān bàodào lùnùde xīnwén dōuhěnduō, jùwǒ ɡuānchá ɡuónèiwàide qínɡkuànɡ shìyíyànɡde.)

B: It seems that Japanese legislation is prescient.


(háishì rìběnde lìfǎ yǒuxiānjiànzhīmínɡ.)

A: Why do you say that?



B: Japan's revised Road Traffic Law has increased penalties for various "road rage incidents," with a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison or a fine of 1 million yen, as well as a driver's license suspension.

日本修订后的《道路交通法》加大对各种"路怒驾驶行为"的惩罚力度, 最高可判处10年监禁或100万日元的罚金, 并吊销驾照。

(rìběn xiūdìnɡhòude dàolùjiāotōnɡfǎ jiādà duìɡèzhǒnɡ lùnùjiàshǐxínɡwéide chénɡfá lìdù, zuìɡāo kěpànchǔ shínián jiānjìnhuò yībǎiwàn rìyuánde fájīn, bìnɡdiàoxiāo jiàzhào.)

A: With such laws in place, road rage drivers will have to think before they act out.

有了法律依据, 路怒的车主也得掂量一下再发作。

(yǒule fǎlǜyījù, lùnùde chēzhǔyěděi diānliànɡ yíxià zàifāzuò.) 

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT


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