HK separatist Sunny Cheung flees to UK

Source: Global Times Published: 2020/8/17 15:26:39

Sunny Cheung: screenshot from the Sina Weibo video

Sunny Cheung is thought to have become the latest figure to flee to the UK and seek refuge with high-profile Hong Kong secessionist Nathan Law Kwun-chung after the national security law was officially implemented in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), media reported. 

Hong Kong separatist Sunny Cheung secretly fled to the UK on August 14 and is likely seeking refuge with Nathan Law to establish a “Hong Kong parliament in exile,” a separatist group in London that brings together illegal forces from Hong Kong, the Hong Kong-based Wen Wei Po reported on Monday, citing sources. 

Sunny Cheung was a former spokesperson of pro-separation group “Network DIPLO” and had participated in calls urging foreign countries to impose sanctions on individuals in Hong Kong. 

On August 6, the Hong Kong police charged 13 people, including Joshua Wong Chi-fung, Sunny Cheung and Legislative Councilor Eddie Chu, for participating in an illegal assembly in early June this year.

Hong Kong media said that Sunny Cheung decided to flee after arrested pro-secession Hong Kong riot leader Agnes Chow Ting was released on bail and had her passport taken away.

Sunny Cheung  jointly launched activities with anti-China forces as spokesperson of the “Hong Kong Higher Institutions International Affairs Delegation (IAD)” during Hong Kong's riots last year.

Cheung decided to flee Hong Kong before the police made any formal charges. Reports said he is likely to join Nathan Law, and build the “parliament in exile” together with Simon Cheng, a former employee of the British Consulate-General in Hong Kong. 

Hong Kong citizens gather to support the National Security Law for Hong Kong. Photo: cnsphoto

Such an anti-China organization would be aimed at undermining "one country, two systems," dividing China and promoting "Hong Kong independence," Liu Xiaoming, Chinese Ambassador to the UK, said on Friday in an exclusive interview with the Global Times. 

If this were allowed, the UK would be in serious violation of the basic norms governing international relations, that is to say, respect for other countries' sovereignty and territorial integrity, Liu said.

According to British media reports, Nathan Law and Simon Cheng are both in the UK and are planning to use London as a base for the opposition forces from Hong Kong.

After the implementation of the national security law for Hong Kong, separatists should be more aware that they will have to pay the price for their irresponsible deeds of separating Hong Kong from the country, observers noted.

Global Times 


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