Farmers enjoy harvest in Damascus, Syria

Source: Xinhua Published: 2020/8/23 11:25:57

A farmer harvests apples in Zabadani town in the countryside of Damascus, Syria, on Aug. 22, 2020. Farmers returned to their farmlands in the war-ravaged city after the town had been retrieved. This year farmers enjoy their first harvest in years. (Photo by Ammar Safarjalani/Xinhua)


A farmer harvests pears in Zabadani town in the countryside of Damascus,Syria, on Aug. 22, 2020. Farmers returned to their farmlands in the war-ravaged city after the town had been retrieved. This year farmers enjoy their first harvest in years. (Photo by Ammar Safarjalani/Xinhua)


A farmer harvests pears in Zabadani town in the countryside of Damascus, Syria, on Aug. 22, 2020. Farmers returned to their farmlands in the war-ravaged city after the town had been retrieved. This year farmers enjoy their first harvest in years. (Photo by Ammar Safarjalani/Xinhua)


A farmer harvests crops in Zabadani town in the countryside of Damascus, Syria, on Aug. 22, 2020. Farmers returned to their farmlands in the war-ravaged city after the town had been retrieved. This year farmers enjoy their first harvest in years. (Photo by Ammar Safarjalani/Xinhua)


Farmers harvest crops in Zabadani town in the countryside of Damascus, Syria, on Aug. 22, 2020. Farmers returned to their farmlands in the war-ravaged city after the town had been retrieved. This year farmers enjoy their first harvest in years. (Photo by Ammar Safarjalani/Xinhua)


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