Chinese space scientists envision ultrafast global travel in an hour by 2045

By Deng Xiaoci in Fuzhou Source: Global Times Published: 2020/9/19 12:55:17

Photo: Deng Xiaoci/GT

Chinese scientists are exploring space technology that by 2045 will allow people to travel anywhere in the world within one hour, and such travels would become as routine as taking an airline flight, according to Bao Weimin, an academician from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Bao, who is also director of the Science and Technology Commission of the State-owned space giant China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), floated the idea during his speech at the 2020 China Space Conference in Fuzhou, capital of East China’s Fujian Province on Friday.

Bao outlined three developments will be needed before the goal is reached. 

Before 2025, key technology breakthroughs need to be made. 

By 2035, the scale of such airliner-like space travel would see thousands of travelers and thousands of kilograms freight shipped. 

By 2045, an overall system for space travel will be completed. There could be thousands of flights every year, involving tens of thousands of passengers.

Bao revealed that hypersonic flying technology and reusable carrier rocket technology would be necessary to achieve the ambitious goal. 

Posted in: SOCIETY

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