Uzbek farmers air grapes in Tashkent

Source: Xinhua Published: 2020/9/25 16:22:05

A farmer sorts aired grapes at her home in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Sept. 23, 2020. Uzbek grape farmers are busy airing grapes that have entered harvest season. (Photo by Zafar Khalilov/Xinhua)


A farmer airs grapes on top of his house in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Sept. 23, 2020. Uzbek grape farmers are busy airing grapes that have entered harvest season. (Photo by Zafar Khalilov/Xinhua)


A farmer shows freshly harvested grapes in a grape field in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Sept. 23, 2020. Uzbek grape farmers are busy airing grapes that have entered harvest season. (Photo by Zafar Khalilov/Xinhua)


Farmers air grapes on top of their houses in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Sept. 23, 2020. Uzbek grape farmers are busy airing grapes that have entered harvest season. (Photo by Zafar Khalilov/Xinhua)


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