Hubei sees major rebound in tourism during holiday

Source: Global Times Published: 2020/10/8 12:14:30

Two penguins are seen in front of the Yellow Crane Tower in Hubei Province on April 29 when it was opened for visitors for the first time since lockdown. Photo: Li Hao/GT

The number of tourists visiting major scenic spots in Central China's Hubei Province has continued to rise, with about 2.07 million travelers generating a revenue of 205 million yuan ($30.2 million) during the National Day holiday as of Wednesday, according to local authorities.

The total number of travelers visiting Hubei is expected to mount to 48.05 million during this year's holiday season, accounting for 76.04 percent of last year's number, People's Daily reported on Wednesday. 

For the first four days of the National Day holiday, Hubei ranked fourth in the number of reservations for scenic spots in China's domestic travel destinations, according to a report released by Ctrip, an online travel agency in China.

The Yellow Crane Tower and Wuhan Haichang Polar Ocean Park are Wuhan's hottest tourist attractions, the report said. 

Night tours have also become a big hit in Hubei's tourism market, with the 19 local night travel packages attracting some 260,000 people daily, reported on Thursday. 

The night performances on the Yellow Crane Tower have been a major draw, with its intricate combinations of history and modern neon lighting amid the soothing sounds of traditional Chinese musical instruments. 

Global Times

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