Circulation of official newspaper, People's Daily, hits 2.4 million

Source:Global Times Published: 2010-2-11 2:20:23

By Lin Meilian

People's Daily, China's leading newspaper, enjoyed a steady increase in its circulation last year despite the global financial crisis.

The newspaper's circulation hit 2.4 million last year, Wu Hengquan, editor-in-chief of the national newspaper, said Wednesday at a reception held in Beijing. He noted that the number has increased over the past several years.

About 200 people including ambassadors and journalists form more than 40 countries and regions attended the event.

People's Daily expanded from 16 to 24 pages last year.

Meanwhile, the newspaper's website,, is increasingly gaining popularity and influence.

Daily visits to the website is 200 million on average.

And the newspaper tried to expand its channels to reach more readers.

The newspaper launched its four-page Tibetan-language edition in August 2009. It is circulated in the Tibet Autonomous Region and areas inhabited by Tibetans in neighboring Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai and Gansu provinces, aiming to contribute to the economic de-velopment and social progress.

In addition, the newspaper explored new ways to facilitate the communication between China and the rest of the world.

The English edition of Global Times under People's Daily was launched in April.

"We are happy with the progress People's Daily is making, including the fact that its daughter, the Global Times, started printing its English edition," said Ivan Kargapoltsev, a correspondent for the Russian News Agency.

Muhammad Iftikhar Raja, a counselor at the embassy of Pakistan, said he reads the Global Times every day to learn the latest developments in China.

"The Global Times is like a link between China and the world and the way it is growing is very impressive," he said.

People's Daily has developed into a modern media group in recent decades that now includes multiple businesses including a comprehensive news service, advertising, printing and publishing.

"People's Daily will strengthen the communication and cooperation with the foreign media in the coming year, and continue to promote understanding and friendship between people from China and around the world," Wu said.

Posted in: Society

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