Taoist fraud guilty of no crime

Source:Global Times Published: 2010-8-24 18:03:00

By Zheng Yi

Li Yi, a Taoist priest from Chongqing Municipality, who was recently exposed as a fraud, has been accused of breaking the rules but not breaking the law, Li Chunyan, deputy director of the Publicity Department in Beibei District of Chongqing, told chinanews.com Monday.

Li, the so-called “health-preserving master” with reportedly 30,000 followers, had drawn public attention recently as investigations made by the Bureau of Religious Affairs in Beibei District,  Chongqing showed he had cheated the public by claiming he could stay alive for nearly 2.5 hours under water without oxygen and breathe with his heels.

Li was also reported as charging expensive tuition fees for students from his health-preserving class without the approval of the local government, which, according to the worker of the bureau, was still under investigation.

What is more, Li was accused of raping a female student from Southwest Normal University, which was denied by Li Chunyan who said there was no evidence to prove his action.

Chen Qijia, an expert from the religion research office of Renmin University, told the Global Times that Taoists should focus on the study of Taoism and avoid being known by the public.

“Li Yi might not be a qualified Taoist for he appeared on TV for too many times, not to mention that he even cheated the audiences,” Chen said.

Chen further said that Li’s popularity came along with media agglomeration. Besides, people in modern society are keen to preserve health, which was helping Li build his fortune.

Posted in: Society

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