Urban rhythm

By Song Yuanyuan Source:Global Times Published: 2011-10-27 8:32:00

Vivian Lo from Swire Properties. Photo: Courtesy of BMF and Wang Zi/GT 
Vivian Lo from Swire Properties. Photo: Courtesy of BMF and Wang Zi/GT

Last Saturday night at multi-purpose space the Orange in Sanlitun's Village, people were highly "infected" by the rhythm of the JU Percussion Group from Taiwan. The concert titled "Experiencing Rhythms Anew" was presented by Swire Properties and kicked off the Urban Series between the property developer and the Beijing Music Festival (BMF).

Sanlitun Village is Swire Properties' first such Chinese mainland project. "We see the Urban Series as an exciting concept and are thrilled that the JU Percussion Group shared its passion for music with the crowd at Swire's own Sanlitun Village," said Guy Bradley, Swire Properties' mainland chief executive officer. 

Founded in 1986, the JU Percussion Group is a household name in Taiwan and has played in 25 countries and regions around the world. It has been commissioned to create more than 150 percussion pieces so far. The group has always served as a cross-Straits cultural ambassador, performing throughout the island and in different mainland provinces. On Saturday night, JU Percussion Group's lively and vibrant performance demonstrated the spirit of the Urban Series. The public responded passionately to the free event by clapping to the beats of the ensemble.

Outside the Orange, a large LED screen in the Piazza of Village South allowed visitors to experience the "rhythm" any way they pleased. At the "Listen and Experience" pre-concert talk, the 14 members of the JU Percussion Group introduced their music and instruments to the audience and encouraged people to get into the groove of their music.

Vivian Lo, Swire Properties' mainland assistant director of public affairs, said the aim of the Urban Series is to provide quality music performances and promote an integrated urban lifestyle, which fits well with the company's long-term commitment towards "building communities."

The company's partnership with the BMF began last year, with Chongqing-born pianist Li Yundi's master class part of the festival's educational outreach program. Lo, who accompanied her seven-year-old daughter on Saturday night, was among many parents who enjoyed the concert with their children.

"Not everyone is a musician, but we believe everyone can learn to appreciate music. It is nice exposure to the art for children and an inspiring activity for families to enjoy together," she said.

"Our vision for Sanlitun Village is to create a community where people can spend good times together.

For the latest in fashion, a good cup of coffee, a concert, or simply to watch children having fun in the water fountain in the Piazza – it is a complete lifestyle for everyone to enjoy," added Lo. The promotion of arts and culture has long been an essential element in the corporate culture of Swire Properties.

In 2005, the company provided the first-ever dinosaur fossil exhibition in a shopping mall at its Cityplaza in Hong Kong. During this month's National Holiday, they had the first outdoor dinosaur fossil exhibition in Beijing at Sanlitun's Village after teaming up with the Liaoning Fossil and Geology Park.

"We truly believe art can be part of our lives. Beyond work and entertainment, arts and culture should be part of everyone's daily routine," said Lo.

"Rather than asking people to go to a museum, we bring arts and culture to the people. When visitors come to the Village, they can enjoy the community activities we offer." 


The JU Percussion Group (main) drums up enthusiasm at the opening of the Urban Series. Photo: Courtesy of BMF and Wang Zi/GT

Posted in: Metro Beijing

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