Learning Chinese: You Hua

Source:Globaltimes.cn Published: 2012-6-28 17:29:16


Photo: CFP
Photo: CFP


Pinyin: yóu huà
MeaningOil painting
Sentence那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.



Pinyin: yóu
Meaning: Oil; sly
Radical: 氵
Stokes: 8
Traditional: 油
Common words/Phrase:
油漆 [yóu qī] 【paint】
油田 [yóu tián] 【oil field】
油墨 [yóu mò] 【Printing ink】
油条 [yóu tiáo] 【twisted cruller】
油烟 [yóu yān] 【oil smoke】


Pinyin: huà
Meaning: painting; picture; draw
Radical: 田
Stokes: 8
Traditional: 畫
Common words/Phrase: 
画图 [huà tú] 【draw; picture】
画家 [huà jiā] 【painter】
画像 [huà xiàng] 【portray; portrait】
画册 [huà cè] 【album of painting】
画报 [huà bào] 【pictorial】

Posted in: Daily Characters

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