A glimpse of performers of London Olympics opening ceremony

Source:Xinhua Published: 2012-7-28 2:56:00

Performers are going to the Olympic Park for rehearsal in London. Photo: Xinhua
Performers are going to the Olympic Park for rehearsal in London. Photo: Xinhua
Performers are going to the Olympic Park for rehearsal in London. Photo: Xinhua
Performers are going to the Olympic Park for rehearsal in London. Photo: Xinhua
Performers are going to the Olympic Park for rehearsal in London. Photo: Xinhua
Performers are going to the Olympic Park for rehearsal in London. Photo: Xinhua
Performers are going to the Olympic Park for rehearsal in London. Photo: Xinhua
Performers are going to the Olympic Park for rehearsal in London. Photo: Xinhua
Performers are going to the Olympic Park for rehearsal in London. Photo: Xinhua
Performers are going to the Olympic Park for rehearsal in London. Photo: Xinhua
Performers are going to the Olympic Park for rehearsal in London. Photo: Xinhua
Performers are going to the Olympic Park for rehearsal in London. Photo: Xinhua

Posted in: Sport

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