Slanguage Corner

Source:Global Times Published: 2012-11-7 20:45:06

Bamboozled by bloggers? Jaded by jargon? Let our new guide to netspeak and slanguistics smooth the way.


Social network blacklist


(rénmài hēimínɡdān)

A blacklist of people who aren't worthy of friendship due to their Machiavellian personalities. Such people aren't suitable for socializing due to their cunning nature.

Illustration: Peter C. Espina
Illustration: Peter C. Espina



Roaring office ladies


(zhíchǎnɡ páoxiào nǚ)

Female white-collar workers who loudly argue with their boss or colleagues in the office. Their inability to communicate in a civil manner usually results in lowering employees' morale.

Posted in: Twocents-Opinion, Slanguage Corner

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