Learning Chinese on November 17

Source:Global Times Published: 2012-11-16 20:15:04


Illustration: Xia Qing weekend
Illustration: Xia Qing

Movie lines

Meet the In Laws


(bàijiàn yuèfùdàren)

A: You are quite clear that I value my fame most. You are a bomber!


(nǐ zuìqīnɡchǔ, mínɡshēnɡ shì wǒde mìnɡɡēnzi. nǐ jiùshìɡè zhàdàn!)

B: I promise you, I will never give out one word of your issue.


(wǒxiànɡnǐ bǎozhènɡ, nǐde shìqinɡ wǒ yīɡèzì yěbùhuì shuōchūqù de.)

A: Then you are a time-bomber. You must leave here. Right away!


(nànǐ yěshìɡè dìnɡshí zhàdàn. nǐ bìxū lìkè líkāi zhèlǐ!)

Posted in: Dialogue

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