Changes of temporary residence permits in China Published: 2012-12-4 18:37:00

With the hukou (household registry) system still in place, Chinese citizens not born in their city of residence are required to carry temporary residency permits. 

Beijing began implementing the temporary residence permit system in 1986, but relaxed restrictions in 2009 to better enable migration to the capital. Beijing has also announced plans to adopt a new residence permit system much like that of Shenzhen and Shanghai by the end of 2012, which promises both migrant and foreign populations more access to public services.

The old temporary residency permits (left) and the new version. Photo:
The old temporary residency permits (left) and the new version. Photo:
The old version of temporary residency permit of Beijing in 1995. Photo:
The old version of temporary residency permit of Beijing in 1995. Photo:
The old version of temporary residency permit of Beijing in 1995. Photo:
The old version of temporary residency permit of Beijing in 1995. Photo:
The new version of temporary residency permit of Beijing in 2012. In 2001 June, Beijing issued new temporary residency permits. Photo:
The new version of temporary residency permit of Beijing in 2012. In 2001 June, Beijing issued new temporary residency permits. Photo:
The new version of temporary residency permit of Beijing in 2012. In 2001 June, Beijing issued new temporary residency permits. Photo:

Related news:

Beijing residence permits updated
Residence permit system urged for migrant population


Changes of ID documents

          Identification Card 

         Temporary Residence Permit


Newspaper headline: Changes of temporary residence permits in Chinese mainland

Posted in: China

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