China bigger, more influential than US by 2049: report

By Bai Tiantian Source:Global Times Published: 2013-1-9 0:18:02

The Chinese Academy of Sciences Tuesday published a "Nation's Health Report" that claims China's economy will be larger and its international status greater than that of the US by 2049, when the country completes its revival on the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the nation.

The report defines "national health" as the overall conditions of a country, using resource sufficiency and wealth distribution as the major criteria. It ranked China as the 11th healthiest country among some 100 nations including the US, France and Germany. The report listed Costa Rica 10th, Germany 12th and Sweden first. 

The Nation's Health Report, compiled by a research team from the Institute of Policy and Management under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said China's economy will be larger than that of the US by 2019, and by 2049 China's international status will exceed that of the US.

Sweden, Finland and Australia were ranked among the top 10 countries with "surplus health" while Ethiopia, Sudan, Iraq and Afghanistan were ranked at the bottom due to their "weak health conditions," said the report.

The US is a "consumptive" country and China a "productive" and "labor effective" country, according to the report, which stated that the health of the US is deteriorating in tandem with its economic downturn, whereas the health of the Chinese nation is ascending due to its immunity to economic turmoil, capacity to regulate and credibility.

The report provoked heated discussion on the Internet as many labeled the report's findings overly nationalistic.

"The report is indicative of an anti-US sentiment in Chinese society. It casts the US as a potential threat and links the goals of China's national revival to surpassing the US," Fang Zhouzi, a well-known whistleblower on academic fraud, told the Global Times. "It's a classic exaggeration. People should make their own judgment of China's national strength, " he said.

Xinhua contributed to the story.

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