Olympic medalist Michelle Kwan marries in Rhode Island

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-1-21 11:37:51

Olympic figure skating champion Michelle Kwan married the director for strategic planning on the National Security staff at the White House, Clay Pell on Saturday at the First Unitarian Church of Providence, Rhode Island. (Photo Source: cqnews.net)
Olympic figure skating champion Michelle Kwan married the director for strategic planning on the National Security staff at the White House, Clay Pell on Saturday at the First Unitarian Church of Providence, Rhode Island. (Photo Source: cqnews.net)

(Photo Source: cqnews.net)
(Photo Source: cqnews.net)

(Photo Source: cqnews.net)
(Photo Source: cqnews.net)

(Photo Source: cqnews.net)
(Photo Source: cqnews.net)

(Photo Source: cqnews.net)
(Photo Source: cqnews.net)

(Photo Source: cqnews.net)
(Photo Source: cqnews.net)

Posted in: World, Olympics

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