Spanish royal family removes Urdangarin from official website

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-1-27 9:25:03

The Spanish royal household on Saturday removed the section covering the Duke of Palma, Inaki Urdangarin from its official website.

The move has been taken as a result of the ongoing corruption case which is being carried out against the husband of the Infanta Cristiana, the youngest daughter of King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain.

Most references to Urdangarin and the majority of photos of the duke, except those which appear on the biography of his wife have also been taken down in a further attempt from the Spanish royal household to distance themselves from him.

Urdangarin and his associates are alleged to have diverted public finds for personal profits through his "Noos Institute."

He was separated from official royal family duty in December 2011 for "non-exemplary behavior," a month after news of the scandal broke and in his Christmas speech to the national that year, Juan Carlos made reference to the case by insisting that, "justice is the same for everyone."

A former Spain international handball player, Urdangarin attended Spain's victory over Slovakia in the semi-final of the World handball championships on Friday and will probably attend the final where Spain will take on Denmark.

However, his most important public appearance will be on February 23 when he testifies in front of a judge in relation to the "Noos Case."

Posted in: Europe

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