Myanmar's administrative mechanism urged to change mindset, behaviors

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-2-17 11:31:20

Myanmar President U Thein Sein has urged different echelons of administrative mechanism to change their mindset and behavior in line with the country's democratization process, official media reported Sunday.

Meeting with district- and township- levels of the regional government in Kalay, northwestern Sagaing region, Saturday, U Thein Sein said the intention of the administrative mechanism is peace and stability of the state under the rule of law and enabling the country stand tall on the global stage and improving the socio-economic status of the people, reported the New Light of Myanmar.

He stressed the need for the lower echelons of the administrative organs to perform their duties with a sense of responsibility, royalty and righteousness to ensure effectiveness of the governance.

He pointed out that although the ongoing political and economic reform have achieved certain success, there still remains challenges and difficulties.

He urged the different levels of the government staff ranging from departmental heads to clerical staff to adapt themselves to meet the demand of changing era and system.

Meeting with township authorities in Tiddim, Chin state, where he flew from Kalay in his inspection tour, U Thein Sein urged a boost in agriculture and livestock breeding despite the fact that the region is not naturally favored to engage in economic activities.

He called on the township elders to help their own region pursue social and economic growth.

Myanmar has been in a process of reform politically and economically since U Thein Sein's civilian government took office in March 2011 after the general election in November 2010.

Posted in: Asia-Pacific

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