Little boy to have 2ft-long hair cut off for charity

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-3-15 14:25:47

Elijah Edney, a three-year-old boy, is to have his 2ft-long hair cut off for charity because he keeps being mistaken for a girl. The hair will be donated to charity, to provide a wig for a child with cancer or other conditions. (Source: / dailymail)
Elijah Edney, a three-year-old boy, is to have his 2ft-long hair cut off for charity because he keeps being mistaken for a girl. The hair will be donated to charity, to provide a wig for a child with cancer or other conditions. (Source: / dailymail)

Elijah Edney, a three-year-old boy, is to have his 2ft-long hair cut off for charity because he keeps being mistaken for a girl. The hair will be donated to charity, to provide a wig for a child with cancer or other conditions. (Source: / dailymail)
Elijah Edney, a three-year-old boy, is to have his 2ft-long hair cut off for charity because he keeps being mistaken for a girl. The hair will be donated to charity, to provide a wig for a child with cancer or other conditions. (Source: / dailymail)

Elijah Edney, a three-year-old boy, is to have his 2ft-long hair cut off for charity because he keeps being mistaken for a girl.  The hair will be donated to charity, to provide a wig for a child with cancer or other conditions. (Source: / dailymail)
Elijah Edney, a three-year-old boy, is to have his 2ft-long hair cut off for charity because he keeps being mistaken for a girl.  The hair will be donated to charity, to provide a wig for a child with cancer or other conditions. (Source: / dailymail)

Elijah Edney, a three-year-old boy, is to have his 2ft-long hair cut off for charity because he keeps being mistaken for a girl.  The hair will be donated to charity, to provide a wig for a child with cancer or other conditions. (Source: / dailymail)
Elijah Edney, a three-year-old boy, is to have his 2ft-long hair cut off for charity because he keeps being mistaken for a girl.  The hair will be donated to charity, to provide a wig for a child with cancer or other conditions. (Source: / dailymail)

Posted in: Diversions, World

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