Russia's military-industrial complex needs fresh blood: officials

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-3-21 8:39:32

Russia's military-industrial complex has exhausted its scientific and technical stocks and badly needs influx of skillful workforce, high-ranking officials said Wednesday.

"I have to state that scientific and technical stocks have effectively exhausted today," Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov told a conference of military-industrial complex.

Russia risked losing an opportunity of scientific-technical breakthrough in areas such as the creation of supersonic devices, weapons based on new physical principles and weapons of cyber warfare, Borisov warned.

Speaking at the same conference, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said the country's military-industrial complex suffered from high interests rates on loans.

"How can we develop the industry with 10-12 percent loans? It could only be done with (the rates) of 4-5 percent," Rogozin said.

He noted that Russia's military-industrial complex badly needs skillful workforce, and called for a "brain import" of foreign talents.

"When it comes to brain import, we are ready to give them residency permits, work permits and even Russian citizenship," Rogozin said.

He reiterated Russia would not purchase ready-made military equipment abroad but would buy technologies, attract hardware developers and skillful workers.

According to Rogozin, the Russian army needs cutting-edge automatized and robotic arms because the armed forces face severe shortage of personnel.

"This is about unmanned air, ground, sea, submarine systems," he said, adding that a Russian soldier armed with such an equipment must be capable to fight against five enemies.

The Russian government has allocated 20 trillion rubles (about 666 billion US dollars) for the rearmament and modernization of its armed forces until 2020.

Posted in: Europe

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