Nippon Paint China offers a spectrum of corporate social responsibility

Source:Global Times Published: 2013-3-22 11:26:03


2012 Nippon Paint China CSR Annual Report
2012 Nippon Paint China CSR Annual Report
The employees of Nippon Paint China 
Photos: Courtesy of Nippon Paint China
The employees of Nippon Paint China Photos: Courtesy of Nippon Paint China


Nippon Paint China recently released the 2012 Nippon Paint Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Annual Report. Nippon Paint China is the first coating company that published a CSR report consecutive for three years in China. It reported a series of projects and achievements related to the economy, environment and social responsibility. The report summarized Nippon Paint China ideas and comprehensive CSR practices. By sharing Nippon Paint China CSR's concepts and practices, hopefully others in the industry will be encouraged to fulfill their social responsibilities, too.

"Nippon Paint China will continue to promote and implement CSR projects according to company policy and designed to help the local market operation conditions," reported Eric Chung, president of Nippon Paint China.

To run CSR most effectively, the Nippon Paint China CSR committee is composed of top management and also participation from all the different local operating units.

There are five major operating project segments. During the implementation of CSR projects, Nippon Paint carries out local projects with its own character and to meet the local needs. Nippon Paint China employs staff from different parts of the world. Talents are 98 percent local Chinese.

Employee Care

Wee Siew Kim, CEO of NIPSEA group - the parent company of Nippon Paint China - pointed out Employee Care as the most important part of Nippon Paint China's CSR program.

"We should pay special attention to staff and their needs and should attach special importance to them. Although the survey showed more than 81 percent of Nippon Paint China employees were satisfied with their working conditions, we should not be just satisfied with what we are doing. We still have a long way to go," he said.

Color, Way of Love

Color, Way of Love is a local charity and education support project designed for China's rural areas. The project has painted 135 schools , donated 135 art classrooms and built 35 HOPE schools. It brings color, hope and love to more than 50,000 under-privileged school children and their teachers.

Society Care

The Society Care project helps vulnerable groups by painting non profitable charitable organization facilities in Beijing and Shanghai .


1 + 3 projects are focused on chemical suppliers and partners, concerning production safety. In 2012, Nippon Paint China had 100 percent of the staff completed and take part in safety training. It lays a solid foundation for safety operation practices.

Green Movement

Green Movement is a project to reduce energy consumption, save resources and reduce waste. By way of innovative product design, efficient production procedures and superior service, we are serving our customers. In 2012, 42 Patents were granted to Nippon Paint China.

Fulfilling CSR is a never-ending improvement process. Nippon Paint China will continuously make use of regional CSR committees to promote local projects. With a staff dedicated to social responsibility, Nippon Paint China is committed to Eco Color, the CSR program. The 2012 Nippon Paint China CSR Annual Report can be download from Nippon Paint would love your feedback and looks forward to getting more of it.

Posted in: Metro Beijing

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