Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2013-5-16 17:48:01


Illustration: Xia Qing/GT
Illustration: Xia Qing/GT


Word on street

update Weibo


(shuā wēibó  )



A: What are you doing?


(nǐ zài ɡànma ne?)



B: Updating my Weibo account. Many friends have posted their wedding photos online. I have to rest my eyes before moving on. I see you haven't posted anything yet.


(shuā wēibó。hěnduō pénɡyǒu bǎ jiéhūnzhào fād ào wēibó shànɡ,wǒ yào xiān xiēxiē wǒ de yǎnjīnɡ。wǒ kàn nǐ hǎoxiànɡ méiyǒu fā a.)



A: Well, I will post them after sorting them out at home.


(ēn,wǒ dāihuì huíjiā zhěnɡlǐ xià,zhīhòu zàifā.)


Posted in: Dialogue

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