Japan to hold launching ceremony of latest aircraft carrier at Yokohama

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-8-5 13:19:50


The naming and launching ceremony of latest aircraft carrier-class frigate “22DDH”  will be held at Yokohama on Aug. 6, 2013. (Source: huanqiu.com)


(Source: huanqiu.com)


(Source: huanqiu.com)


(Source: huanqiu.com)


(Source: huanqiu.com)


(Source: huanqiu.com)


(Source: huanqiu.com)


(Source: huanqiu.com)


(Source: huanqiu.com)


(Source: huanqiu.com)


(Source: huanqiu.com)


(Source: huanqiu.com)


(Source: huanqiu.com)


(Source: huanqiu.com)


(Source: huanqiu.com)


Posted in: Asia-Pacific, World

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