Syrian journalist, 9 others killed in suicide bombing in Syria's Aleppo

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-8-23 9:37:21

A total of 10 people, including a Syrian journalist, were killed when a suicide bomber detonated his explosive belt inside a restaurant in Syria's northern city of Aleppo on Thursday, pro-government al-Khabar TV reported.

Hasan Mhanna, a reporter for the pro-government al-Ekhbaria TV, was killed alongside nine others when the bomber went off inside Kabo Grillo Restaurant in the al-Bassel sport establishment in Aleppo city, the report said, adding that the victims were attending a graduation party of a high-school student.

Twenty-one others were wounded in the blast, the report said.

Meanwhile, the official SANA news agency reported ongoing violence in the capital Damascus where several mortar shells slammed populated areas in the Christian-dominated al-Qassa district but caused no human losses.

The rebels' mortar attacks came as the Syrian army was carrying out a wide-scale offensive on the rebel-held areas in the countryside of Damascus.

In the eastern city of Deir al-Zour, eight children were injured when rebels fired several mortar shells on parts of the restive city, according to local media.

On the opposition side, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that six civilians, including two children, were allegedly killed by the bombardment of the government troops on parts of Ma'arat Misrin town in the northwestern province of Idlib, adding that 10 others were injured in the attack.

Posted in: Mid-East

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