Nurse for a day

Source:Global Times Published: 2013-10-29 20:03:01

Yang Qi fastens a patient to the bed with other nurses, as she volunteers to experience what it's like being a nurse. Photo: IC

Yang Qi fastens a patient to the bed with other nurses, as she volunteers to experience what it's like being a nurse. Photo: IC

Yang Qi, a 24-year-old Wuhan resident, experiences a day as a nurse at a hospital, without having any idea of what the day would have in store for her.

It was part of the Hubei provincial Health Department's effort to boost understanding between patients and hospitals amid repeated incidents of violence against doctors.

The latest case saw two doctors killed and another injured at a hospital in Wenling, Zhejiang Province, by a knife-wielding man who had a dispute with the doctors over his surgery.

Yang applied for this program mainly out of curiosity, but it turned out to be an eye-opener for her.

The day began early in the morning. Yang, who had donned a pair of sports shoes as doctors told her to be prepared to rush around, had to change them again as the intensive care unit where she worked required a virus-free environment.

After observing other nurses tending to patients with tubes in their stomachs and some with open tracheas, Yang started to attend patients confined to their beds by patting their backs to reduce the chance of lung infection. Other tasks included giving them drinking water and emptying urine pots.

She also helped make records of the patients, which included keeping track of how frequently they drank water and relieved themselves.

After an exhausting morning, Yang finally got time to relax at noon, when she took her turn to have lunch with the other nurses. After lunch, it was back to work.

At the end of the day, Yang wrote in her blog: Everyone working in the hospital would gain our understanding and trust if we could put ourselves in their situation. Giving is more important than receiving, and I will practice this starting from myself.

Global Times

Yang feeds a patient with a tube under the instruction of a nurse. Photo: IC

Yang feeds a patient with a tube under the instruction of a nurse. Photo: IC

Yang disposes of waste during her one-day experience at a Wuhan Hospital. Photo: IC

Yang disposes of waste during her one-day experience at a Wuhan Hospital. Photo: IC



Yang talks with nurses as they have lunch after a busy morning. Photo: IC


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