Learning Chinese on November 19

Source:Global Times Published: 2013-11-18 18:58:01

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Chinese idioms

have ulterior motives


(biéyǒu yònɡxīn)

A: Did you see the Andy Lau movie Infernal Affairs?


(nǐ kàn liú déhuá de diànyǐnɡ wújiāndào le ma?)

B: Of course! He acted as an undercover agent, appearing to be an honest police officer while in fact he had ulterior motives and was stealing information from police.


(dānɡrán kàn la! tā yǎn yīɡè wòdǐ, biǎomiàn shì hǎo jǐnɡchá, ěr shíjìshanɡ biéyǒu yònɡxīn, dàoqǔ jǐnɡfānɡ qínɡbào.)

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