Two-legged lamb 'walking' just two months after being born without all fours

Source:Global Times Published: 2013-12-1 20:18:01

The two-legged lamb

The two-legged lamb "walks" in Henan Province's Liucheng village. Photo: IC

 Just two months after a lamb was born with just two hind legs in Liucheng village, which belongs to Henan Province's Xihua county, the baby sheep has managed to "walk" on its own, its owner said.

The owner, a farmer surnamed Zhao, said that about a month after the lamb was born in August, it began trying to move around on its hind legs - and a month later, it had figured out how to be mobile without depending on "all fours."

"I'm more than 60 years old now, yet this is the first time I've ever seen a two-legged lamb walk," said Zhao.

The lamb was born with three others in the summer, but was the only one to suffer a birth defect, which a local veterinarian suspects was the result of some kind of genetic mutation.

Dahe Daily

Posted in: Odd News

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