Archaeologists discover 1500-year-ago floor mosaics in Israel

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-1-26 14:42:21

Israeli archaeologists excavate 1,500-year-old floor mosaics in a newly-discovered basilica in Moshav Aluma, southern Israel, on Jan. 22, 2014. Israeli archaeologists unearthed one of the biggest basilica, which is a 1,500-year-old church dating back to the Byzantine era in the south of the country, a leading archaeologist told Xinhua on Wednesday. The structure was unearthed during a salvage excavation in Moshav Aluma in southern Israel. The church's floor is covered with mosaics and inscriptions in Greek, which researchers believe are the names of the donors. (Xinhua)


Israeli archaeologists excavate 1,500-year-old floor inscriptions in Greek in a newly-discovered basilica in Moshav Aluma, southern Israel, on Jan. 22, 2014. Israeli archaeologists unearthed one of the biggest basilica, which is a 1,500-year-old church dating back to the Byzantine era in the south of the country, a leading archaeologist told Xinhua on Wednesday. The structure was unearthed during a salvage excavation in Moshav Aluma in southern Israel. The church's floor is covered with mosaics and inscriptions in Greek, which researchers believe are the names of the donors. (Xinhua)


Israeli archaeologists excavate 1,500-year-old floor mosaics in a newly-discovered basilica in Moshav Aluma, southern Israel, on Jan. 22, 2014. Israeli archaeologists unearthed one of the biggest basilica, which is a 1,500-year-old church dating back to the Byzantine era in the south of the country, a leading archaeologist told Xinhua on Wednesday. The structure was unearthed during a salvage excavation in Moshav Aluma in southern Israel. The church's floor is covered with mosaics and inscriptions in Greek, which researchers believe are the names of the donors. (Xinhua)


Israeli archaeologists excavate 1,500-year-old floor mosaics in a newly-discovered basilica in Moshav Aluma, southern Israel, on Jan. 22, 2014. Israeli archaeologists unearthed one of the biggest basilica, which is a 1,500-year-old church dating back to the Byzantine era in the south of the country, a leading archaeologist told Xinhua on Wednesday. The structure was unearthed during a salvage excavation in Moshav Aluma in southern Israel. The church's floor is covered with mosaics and inscriptions in Greek, which researchers believe are the names of the donors. (Xinhua)


Posted in: Discovery

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