Richest Chinese of 2014: half from the mainland

Source:People's Daily Online Published: 2014-4-23 11:45:14

Top ten richest Chinese of 2014 listed by Forbes China Photos: People's Daily Online

According to the 2014 Chinese rich list released by Forbes China Monday, half of the richest Chinese of 2014 come from the mainland.

Among the 290 names on the list, 52 percent are from the Chinese mainland, 15 percent from Hong Kong and 10 percent from Taiwan.

Li Ka-shing, the richest Chinese named by Forbes China in 2013, retained his title this year, whereas Lui Che Woo, owner of Galaxy Entertainment Group jumped to the second place and became the new "King of Gambling".

Four out of the top ten richest Chinese are from the real estate industry. Another wealth creator is the software and internet industry, with the 42-year-old Ma Huateng and the 45-year-old Robin Li standing out from the top ten billionaires with an average age of 72.


(file photo) Li Ka-shing $ 31 billion Hong Kong



(file photo) Lui Che Woo $ 22 billion Hong Kong



(file photo) Lee Shau-kee $ 19.6 billion Hong Kong



(file photo) Cheng Yu-tung $ 16.2 billion Hong Kong



(file photo) Wang Jianlin $ 15.1 billion Chinese mainland



(file photo) Ma Huateng $ 13.4 billion Chinese mainland



(file photo) Kwok Ping-kwong & Kwok Ping Luen $ 12.6 billion Hong Kong



(file photo) Robin Li $ 12.1 billion Chinese mainland



(file photo) Zong Qinghou $ 11.6 billion Chinese mainland



(file photo) Kuok Hock Nien $ 11.5 billion Malaysia


Posted in: Economy

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