A series of giant Transformer replicas stand outside a small factory on the outskirts of Shanghai on June 18. Li Lei, the factory owner, said he builds the giant replicas from spare machine parts for sale or rent. Li explained orders have skyrocketed in anticipation of Transformers 4: Age of Extinction, which is set to hit screens on June 27. Photos: Yang Hui/GT
Several statues modeled after the hit Transformers series tower outside a Shanghai factory.
Welders piece together a statue from spare machine parts.
A worker spray paints an unfinished statue.
A crane hoists a pair of Transformer legs for an unfinished replica.
In addition to Transformers replicas, Li also makes replicas of J-15 jet fighters and dinosaurs a la Jurassic Park.
Two children play on a tank replica built to scale.
Several dinosaurs were built at the factory.
The photo shows many parts used to connect Transformer replicas.
A villager passes by the factory filled with giant structure replicas.