22-year-old college girl wins 2014 Miss Korea Contest

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-7-16 13:21:48

Kim Seo-yeon, 22-year-old college student, poses after winning the 2014 Miss Korea Contest in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday, July 15, 2014. Kim will represent South Korea for this year's Miss Universe beauty pageant. (Source: Chinanews.com)


22-year-old college girl won the 2014 Miss Korea Champion. (Source: Chinanews.com)


22-year-old college girl won the 2014 Miss Korea Champion. (Source: Chinanews.com)


22-year-old college girl won the 2014 Miss Korea Champion. (Source: Chinanews.com)


22-year-old college girl won the 2014 Miss Korea Champion. (Source: Chinanews.com)


22-year-old college girl won the 2014 Miss Korea Champion. (Source: Chinanews.com)


22-year-old college girl won the 2014 Miss Korea Champion. (Source: Chinanews.com)


22-year-old college girl won the 2014 Miss Korea Champion. (Source: Chinanews.com)


22-year-old college girl won the 2014 Miss Korea Champion. (Source: Chinanews.com)


22-year-old college girl won the 2014 Miss Korea Champion. (Source: Chinanews.com/youth.cn)


22-year-old college girl won the 2014 Miss Korea Champion. (Source: Chinanews.com/youth.cn)


Posted in: Fashion, Life

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