Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2014-9-28 5:03:01

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Chinese idioms

Light at the end of the tunnel.


(liǔàn huāmínɡ yòu yīcūn )

A: I thought I wouldn't be able to buy a train ticket home, but, who would've guessed, a friend of mine is also heading home, so I can catch a ride with him.


(běn yǐwéi mǎibùdào huíjiā de huǒchēpiào. méixiǎnɡdào,zhènɡhǎo yǒu ɡè pénɡyǒu huíjiā. wǒ kěyǐ dā tā de chē.)

B: I guess there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


(zhè zhēnde shì liǔàn huāmínɡ yòu yīcūn.)

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