Spend New Year’s Day with Bossa Nova singer Lisa Ono

Source:Global Times Published: 2014-12-18 19:03:01

Lisa Ono Photo: Courtesy of Zhang Xiaomai

Brazil-born Japanese singer Lisa Ono, nicknamed "The Bossa Nova Queen," is not a new face in China. After her music appeared in the Wong Kar-wai film In the Mood for Love and Feng Xiaogang's A World without Thieves Lisa Ono soon became a household name throughout the country.

In what will be her third tour to the capital of China, on January 1, Lisa Ono will hold her Warm Winter concert at Beijing's Workers' Gymnasium.

In a press release distributed by concert organizers Lisa Ono revealed that she didn't spend too much time worrying about stage design for the concert, since she felt the most important goal at the concert was to "touch audiences' hearts"  with her singing.

Additionally, she said that since she recently released a new album in Brazil, she plans on adding some Brazilian elements to the concert.

She also revealed that she intends to sing the theme song to a popular Japanese movie as well as some of her new French-language songs as a special surprise.

Global Times

Posted in: Music

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