Russia slams European TV for biased coverage of Ukraine crisis

Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-1-20 10:46:00

The Russian Foreign Ministry on Monday slammed the Euronews TV channel for its "lopsided" coverage of the current situation in Ukraine.

"We regret to note that some of the latest events in Ukraine... are being covered somewhat lopsidedly," the foreign ministry said in an online statement, adding "the loss of life among civilians resulting from the artillery shelling by Ukrainian troops are being hushed up."

Euronews has also failed to mention the conclusions by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe mission, which disprove the hasty accusations made by the West of the self- defense forces' alleged involvement in shelling the bus near Volnovakha on Jan. 13, the ministry added.

"Europe is finding it quite awkward to tell the whole truth about the situation in Ukraine," and the channel's coverage of the events in Ukraine has caused bewilderment especially given Kiev's attempts to shut down the channel's Ukrainian version, said the statement.

The fresh outbreak of violence marked a new wave of escalation of the nine-month-old conflict in Ukraine, which has claimed 4,700 lives since last April.

Posted in: Cross-Borders

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