Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2015-1-27 21:48:01

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Chinese idioms

winter snow means a good harvest



A: We got a huge snow storm where I live recently. It's super cold.


(wǒjiā zuìjìn xià le hǎodà yìchǎnɡ xuě. tiān tèbié lěnɡ.)

B: You should be happy. As the saying goes "winter snow means a good harvest," the fact it snowed a lot is a lucky sign!


(kāixīndiǎn. súhuàshuō, ruìxuězhàofēnɡnián. xiànzài xiàdàxuě shìɡè hǎo zhàotóu.)

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