Murderer of US citizen first appears in UAE court

Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-3-24 11:39:19

A prime female suspect for stabbing an American late last year appeared for the first time at the United Arab Emirates (UAE) federal supreme court on Monday, the UAE daily The National reported.

Alaa Bader Abdullah Al Hashemi, 29, was prosecuted for stabbing 37-year-old Ibolya Ryan in a bathroom in Boutik Mall on Al-Reem island on December 1, 2014. The raid was filmed by police and made public on social media.

Hashemi was arrested a few days later at her villa in Abu Dhabi. She was nicknamed the "ghost of Al-Reem island" due to wearing a black Arabic dress and fully covering her face with a black veil.

At the first court hearing, the defendant confirmed her name and age, and requested an attorney.

Besides the stabbing, the Emirati is also accused of making an explosive device for the purpose of harming others, and charged for creating an online account to promote terrorist ideas and donating funds to a terrorist organization.

The case has triggered international attention as the UAE has been regarded as a politically and socially stable country with a relatively low crime rate.

Posted in: Americas

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