Pakistan rebuts India criticism of CPEC plan

Source:Global Times Published: 2015-6-17 0:13:31

Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussain criticized India for its "shameless propaganda" against the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), urging citizens not to overreact and stand by the government to rebut it in a proper way, New Delhi Television reported Monday.

"Many other countries also have reservations on this corridor which are baseless and of no value as the government is committed to complete it with all seriousness as the project is of vital importance for the bright future of Pakistan," Hussain said.

The comment came after  Indian newspaper The Economic Times reported Monday that India objects to the proposed corridor as it will pass through Pakistan occupied Kashmir, a region with disputed status. 

The CPEC, costing $46 billion, will link Xinjiang Autonomous Region to Gwadar Port in southwestern Pakistan .

India has long been alert to the potential link between Gwadar Port and China, worrying the port is part of the "String of Pearls" surrounding India, said Zhao Gancheng, director of the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies.

Gwadar Port is a deep sea port developed by Pakistan and China in 2007. China has made clear that India will not be threatened by the CPEC.

"Cooperation between China and Pakistan in the relevant region is for the sole purpose of boosting local economic and social development. It does not target any third party, nor will it affect different parties' positions on the relevant issue," said foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying during a news conference this month.

The corridor is beneficial to both countries and the stability and prosperity of the region is also one of China's goals which will benefit India, Zhao said.

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