Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2015-10-23 5:03:02

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Movie lines




1. They're riding out the worst of it, then they're gonna haul us back up, right?


(tāmen xiànzài zhènɡ jīnɡshòu zhe zuì kùnnán de shíhòu, ɡuòhòu jiùhuì bǎ wǒmen lāshànɡqù de, duì ma?)

2. We're only alive because we never made it to the surface.


(wǒmen xiànzài hái huózhe shì yīnwèi wǒmen hái méiyǒu fǎnhuí shuǐmiàn.)

3. Well, I guarantee you, a rescue is under way. And I guarantee you that they're already filling out their insurance claims.


(hǎoba, wǒ xiànɡnǐ bǎozhènɡ, yǒu yīzhī jiùyuánduì zhènɡzài ɡǎnlái. wǒ yě xiànɡnǐ bǎozhènɡ, tāmen yǐjīnɡ bǎ bǎoxiǎndān dōu tián hǎo le.)

4. They'll write it off as a freak of nature, as a major force, as an act of God!


(tāmen huì zài bǎoxiǎndān shànɡ xiě, zhèshì dàzìrán fǎnchánɡ, bùkěkànɡlì, shén de zhǐyì!)

Posted in: Extensive Reading

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