Copycat buildings on China’s campuses fail to inspire students: Net users

Source:Global Times Published: 2015-12-6 19:23:01

Two students sit along a river on the campus of Henan Agriculture University in Zhengzhou. The school's newest building (pictured) sparked discussions online for having elements that resemble several US government buildings. Photo: IC

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Copycat buildings on China's campuses fail to inspire students: Net users

A new building at a Central China university that bears a resemblance to the White House and other US landmarks has sparked debate over copycat architecture on China's college campuses.

Officials at Henan Agriculture University in Zhengzhou recently unveiled the school's new library to mixed reviews from both students and social media users, with some saying it encourages imitation in an academic environment.

"This is embarrassing … We're a 100-year-old school! What's the use of spending money on this? To teach us that the West is better?" a student commented on Sina Weibo.

"An agricultural university should focus on its own field ... It reflects a lack of innovation," wrote another Web user.

Buildings resembling world famous architecture are common sights on campuses in China.

Wuhan International Trade University spent 50 million yuan ($7.8 million) filling its campus with copies of world landmarks such as France's Arc de Triomphe, local media reported in April.

Tu Hongbin, founder of the school, defended the buildings as a way to turn the campus into an "encyclopedia of human culture."

Posted in: Odd News

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