Noodles go off-track

Source:Global Times Published: 2016-1-30 0:13:01

Illustration: Peter C. Espina/GT

 Many passengers fancy a bowl of instant noodles during a long journey. Yet, high-speed trains were told recently not to sell this beloved food. Due to the still air in carriages, the smell of instant noodles may irritate other passengers, authorities claimed. The dining carriage will offer boxed meals instead, with prices ranging from 15 yuan ($2.30) to 40 yuan. With instant noodles, priced at approximately 10 yuan on trains, double the price in stores but still low, removed from the menu, passengers are left with limited options. This regulation has triggered a public uproar. Many netizens believe the China Railway Corporation is just taking advantage of instant noodles' supposed smell to cover up its ambition for more profits. Compared with boxed lunch, instant noodles generate little revenue. To dispel people's suspicion, high-speed trains should offer more tasty and cheap options.

Posted in: Cartoon

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