Costly bunnies

Source:Global Times Published: 2016-3-19 0:48:10

Illustration: Peter C. Espina/GT

 The sweet but cheap White Rabbit candies prompt a Proustian reflection of childhood to many. Recently, this time-honored brand has joined hands with the French brand "agnès b" and introduced two new types of rabbit-shaped boxed candies to the market. Named after the French brand, the traditional Chinese toffee is now about nine times higher than the original price - 65 yuan ($9.97) for a 128-gram pack. For many, the White Rabbit wearing a French coat is an ideal choice as a gift. It is true that some time-honored Chinese brands, despite their high quality, are plainly packaged, and the new French design can be regarded as an innovation. However, while customers should applaud White Rabbit for its attempt to be creative, the candy will become more popular if it sticks to the original taste at a reasonable price.

Posted in: Cartoon

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