China’s farmers find new growth in rural art
By, Published: 2017-07-17 18:55:55
During midsummer, villagers in Juye County farm during the mornings and paint at noon. Photo: CFP
Editor's Note:
Crops are not the only things growing in rural Juye county, China’s Shandong Province. During the off-seasons, farmers there are supplementing their incomes with homegrown artwork, which in recent years has drawn attention across the country. Photos: CFP

More than 20 farming communities in China are known for their rural cultural industry. But Juye county artists have built a reputation for their depictions of rural life with a style both simple yet exaggerated. Photo: CFP
Artist harvest Photo: CFP
“I can earn an extra three to four thousand yuan a month painting without delaying farm work. I can double my yearly salary,” one farmer told a reporter. Photo: CFP
A local woman sprays pesticide in a field. She is known in the community for her paintings of peonies. Photo: CFP