Rare monkeys given golden lifeline by Hubei research center
By Globaltimes.cn, Published: 2016-08-03 17:09:37
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Editor's Note:
The protected Sichuan snub-nosed monkey, also known as the golden monkey, mainly forages in the middle slopes of mountains at altitudes between 1760-2600 meters above sea level. Food shortages, natural predators, disease, internal fighting, bad weather and other problems are the main threats to their survival. The Shennongjia Golden Monkey Research Center helps protect these monkeys with a video monitoring system that tracks them in their natural environment.

Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT