CPC centenary exhibition attracted youths to its birth place
By Cui Meng, Published: 2021-06-29 15:55:15
CPC centenary exhibition attracted youths to its birth place Photo:Cui Meng/GT
Editor's Note:
The debut of a centenary exhibition depicting stories of how the way was paved for the establishment of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the former Peking University’s Red Building on Tuesday attracted over a thousand visitors. The visitors came to appreciate the significant hub of thought that was the early history of the Party. The building marks the birthplace of the New Culture Movement and the remarkable land where Marxism first enlightened many Chinese people, with some of whom later became monumental figures in the birth of the CPC.
CPC centenary exhibition attracted youths to its birth place Photo:Cui Meng/GT
CPC centenary exhibition attracted youths to its birth place Photo:Cui Meng/GT
CPC centenary exhibition attracted youths to its birth place Photo:Cui Meng/GT
CPC centenary exhibition attracted youths to its birth place Photo:Cui Meng/GT