Beijing's Gate of Heavenly Peace is reopening for visitors

Li Hao is a photographer covering China’s social transformation and its impact on different groups, such as migrant workers.

Li Hao
, Published: 2023/6/13 15:06:53
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Editor's Note:
Beijing's Gate of Heavenly Peace at the Tiananmen Square reopened for visitors on June 13, 2023, with synchronized resumption of appointment bookings. Visitors are required to make a real-name reservation through official channels one day in advance and present valid identification documents. Since the reopening, there has been a surge in enthusiasm among tourists, with all tickets "fully booked" from June 13 to June 20. Photos: Li Hao/GT

Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT