A glimpse of Shenzhen's cityscape

Cui Meng is an experienced photographer covering natural disasters and crises, such as Wenchuan earthquake and Wuhan lockdown.

Cui Meng
, Published: 2023/12/16 21:46:46
Photo:Chen Tao/GT
Editor's Note:
People from all walks of life, whether tourists or local residents, capture moments by taking photos at various locations in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong Province. These snapshots not only freeze their experiences but also serve as markers of their journeys. Shenzhen's rapid development reflects China's economic progress. Photos: Chen Tao/GT

Photo:Chen Tao/GT
Photo:Chen Tao/GT
Photo:Chen Tao/GT
Photo:Chen Tao/GT
Photo:Chen Tao/GT
Photo:Chen Tao/GT
Photo:Chen Tao/GT
Photo:Chen Tao/GT
Photo:Chen Tao/GT
Photo:Chen Tao/GT
Photo:Chen Tao/GT