Temple fairs held in Beijing during Spring Festival

Li Hao is a photographer covering China’s social transformation and its impact on different groups, such as migrant workers.

Li Hao
, Published: 2024/2/10 17:27:40
Photo:Li Hao/GT
Editor's Note:
Temple fairs are being held in Beijing during the Year of the Dragon Spring Festival. At Shougang Park, industrial heritage seamlessly blends with cyberpunk China-chic, offering a unique experience that merges folk customs with fashion trends. Dragon-themed sculptures adorn the Moshikou cultural block, inviting visitors to take part in the "Dragon Quest" and collect blessings via themed stamp collections. (Photos: Li Hao/GT)

Photo:Li Hao/GT
Photo:Li Hao/GT
Photo:Li Hao/GT
Photo:Li Hao/GT
Photo:Li Hao/GT
Photo:Li Hao/GT
Photo:Li Hao/GT
Photo:Li Hao/GT
Photo:Li Hao/GT
Photo:Li Hao/GT
Photo:Li Hao/GT
Photo:Li Hao/GT