Photo exhibition showcasing Macao compatriots' Anti-Japanese War Efforts debuts at the Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in Beijing
By Chen Tao, Published: 2024/8/15 21:01:28
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Editor's Note:
On August 15, the Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Macao Oral History Association jointly launched "Uniting Effort to Resist Our Country's Difficulties Together - A Photo Exhibition of Our Compatriots in Macao in the War of Resistance." More than 120 images recreate the significant history of Macao compatriots supporting the motherland's war of resistance. The exhibition is divided into four sections, showcasing images that depict life in Macao during the war, the support from various sectors of Macao’s society in the war effort, Macao compatriots returning home to contribute to the war, and cultural relics related to Macao compatriots who fought in the war.(Photos: Chen Tao/GT)

Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT