Xi talks peace at war memorial
Event marks 78th anniversary of Japanese invasion
Published: Jul 08, 2015 12:28 AM Updated: Aug 30, 2015 06:49 PM

Schoolchildren prepare to leave after visiting the Museum of the War of the Chinese People's Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-45), during ceremonies to open an exhibition marking the anniversary of the Lugou Bridge incident in 1937, near the bridge in Beijing on Tuesday. Photo: AFP

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday stressed that history should always be remembered, and world peace safeguarded, during a visit to an exhibition commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-45).

The whole Party and the entire nation should keep in mind this period of history, which cost both life and blood, and bear in mind the great achievements the Chinese people made in safeguarding national independence and freedom, the sovereignty and dignity of the motherland, Xi said.

"The great contributions made by the Chinese people to the world anti-Facist war should be remembered," he said.

"We must cherish peace while being cautious of the future," said Xi, adding that China was committed to the road of peaceful development, and would defend world peace while advancing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Other members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Li Keqiang, Zhang Dejiang, Yu Zhengsheng, Liu Yunshan, Wang Qishan and Zhang Gaoli, also visited the exhibition.

Japan invaded Northeast China in September 1931, but historians generally agree that the July 7 Incident marked Japan's full-scale invasion and the start of China's eight-year war of resistance.

A total of 1,170 pictures and 2,834 artifacts are on show at the Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance against Japanese Aggression near Lugou Bridge, also known as Marco Polo Bridge.

The exhibition, "Great Victory, Historic Contribution," is part of events in the run up to the 70th anniversary of the victory of the anti-Japanese aggression war and the victory of WWII, which will culminate in a parade on September 3 in Beijing.

During the visit in the afternoon, the top leaders also laid flowers at the exhibition venue and learnt the details about some items on display.

About 1,500 people, including representatives of veterans and relatives of the fallen, attended the ceremony.

East China's Shandong Province on Tuesday launched an online memorial explaining the history of the anti-Japanese war through 3D video. The online museum offers stories and information about battles that happened in Shandong during the war. It also displays the names of soldiers and civilians who died during the war.

The privately run Jianchuan Museum in Anren Township of Dayi county in Sichuan Province opened an exhibition hall on Tuesday, showing more than 6,000 items documenting Japanese atrocities during WWII.

The 3,500-square-meter exhibition hall was designed by Japanese architect Arata Isozaki.

About 95 percent of the items are from Japan, said museum owner Fan Jianchuan.

The items include records of Japanese killing Chinese civilians, letters from Japanese soldiers, official documents on bombings, propaganda pictorials boasting of military achievements, shell debris and Japanese officers' swords.

"I hope this exhibition can attract large numbers of Japanese people to visit and reflect," said Fan.