Hong Kong attendees of V-Day parade applauds motherland's effort to uphold world peace
Published: Sep 05, 2015 10:13 AM
A V-Day parade was held on Thursday in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of Chinese people's resistance against Japanese Aggression. Hong Kong attendees of the event said the motherland was showing sincerity in promoting world peace.

"It was an exciting scene! This day was worthy of commemoration, " Permanent Honorary President of The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong Irons Sze Wing-wai said, "But for revolutionary predecessors who fought for peace with courage and endeavours 70 years ago, we surely won't be able to see the prosperous development we are enjoying now."

Sze said Chinese President Xi Jinping's announcement of cutting 300,000 troops has grabbed the world's attention. This showed that China had been having an eye on the changes of the international situation and the development of the country's military power, prompting her to make such an appropriate adjustment.

He said the message of military downsizing was in concert with "peace development and mutual prosperity" stressed in President Xi's speech.

China has become a powerful nation and has a major responsibility of promoting world peace. Even if she had experienced the baptism of fire, the country would not forget revolutionary predecessors' original intention of pursuing peace, which indicated her determination to uphold peace.

This was the third time for Wu Ting Yuk, member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee, to watch military parade in Beijing.

He said the military cut showed that China was making clear to the world that she will never be an invader but will strive to embrace peace on earth.

Wu said President Xi's emphasis on peace development helped to remind this generation who has not experienced tribulation brought about by war to cherish peace and to develop together.

Chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Ng Chau- pei said President Xi conveyed an important message in his speech that China proactively talked about the cutting 300,000 troops based on her perseverance in peace on earth and among human.

Ng said Hong Kong representatives in the parade had an especially deep feeling towards the announcement of troop downsize which indicated that the country embraced and advocated peace.

Chan Yan-chong, senior commentator in Hong Kong, said 300,000 troops accounted for quite a large proportion of the PLA troops, which showed China's sincerity to deliver a peaceful vision.

He said Chinese people did not want to fight a battle and would definitely not intrude other countries as it was not an aggressive nation. The cut would be followed by military demobilization and economic construction, aiming to strive for a better future.

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